Wednesday, April 20, 2011

'Team Jolie' or 'Team Baby Momma'? I will take 'Team Kick Ass', thank you very much.

Funny thing has happened over the years recently. Maybe the economic downturn in 2008 caused us to fret over something meaningless so as to avoid stressing about real fear and uneasiness. Could be...

In any case, I have noticed the media pushing people to choose sides. Not the age-old choice of Republican v. Democrat or wheat bread v. white. Nope. It is the question of who Brad Pitt should be sleeping with: his wife, Jennifer Aniston, or maybe Angelina Jolie?



I REALLY care about this question. I mean, this could change a lot of lives and it could quite possibly, NOTHING.

Another notably important choice. Here goes...

What teenage girl on MTV's 'Teen Mom' do you like best? Are you 'Team Macy' or 'Team Amber'?


Let me think...

'Team Condom'? Yep. Can you print that t-shirt up, MTV? Thanks so much! OMG and TTYL!

Get ready for my rant...

I am sick and tired of people having 'teams' of support for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Nada. (Oops. Except maybe getting pregnant at sixteen. My bad!) I brushed my teeth this morning, can my team back me up here? Where is 'Team Dental Hygiene' when a girl needs 'em? Seriously. When you don your 'Team Jennifer' baby tee, are you seriously taking her side? Are you going to hold her hand when she is crying over Brad and help her polish off that 5th pint of Ben & Jerry's Berried Treasure? No. You are not. Because YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW HER. But yet, we still take the sides of people we do not know and who's problems are really not our own. I prefer a different approach...

I get sweeter here...

How about supporting someone you know (or have an association with) for doing something positive? Going back to college, completing a 5K, accomplishing a lifelong goal? That is how 'Team Kick Ass' was created. The funny part is, Team Kick Ass does not even know it exists. Until now...

This team is assembled of people who push others to be better and it is darn time that they get credit for it. They make me want to accomplish my goal and they believe in my ability to succeed. Some know me well, some wish we knew eachother better, but I feel that all are on my team and I am on theirs.
Team Kick Ass DFW: Ashley, Christie, my hero B (Birgit), Sean, Jessica, El Problemo, and Jason.
Team Kick Ass H-Town: Big Rob (of course!), Keri, Laura, and Eric. I am so amazed by the work y'all are doing there. KEEP KICKIN' ASS! :)
Team Kick Ass Aggieland: My WONDERFUL Boot Camp girls from Fitness Forever. I know that I will have the LOUDEST cheering section ever. I love each and every one of my 200 "little sisters"!
Team Kick Ass ATX: William (my beloved pizza eater), Julie ("this is lightweight, baby!"), and my friends/family at Planet Fitness. My suit isn't purple but my next one will be! ;)

Okay. Mushiness over. I will commence...

Let me guarantee everyone here that I will push you and support you in all that you do and THANK YOU for supporting me in my venture. It will be tough (as I type, I am STARVING!) but I will make Team Kick Ass proud. I cannot quit because I would not be letting only myself down now...I would be letting those supporting me down and MY TRIUMPH WILL BE SHARED ;)

P.S. I am not making t-shirts or anything. Unless there is a 'Team Ben&Jerry'...


  1. OMG! Awesome! You are a SUPERSTAR!

  2. absolutely fabulous! quite just let us know what we can do and when we can do it! you will totally 'kick ass'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. love it!


  4. We have your back Brandi. Get out there and kill it!
